

Making corporate culture tangible.
The ValueParty app.

With the help of the ValueParty app, we collect the value profiles of all employees involved and superimpose them in a group profile. The results show you which values are personally important to the employees of an organization, which are currently lived out in their daily interactions and which values are needed for the company to successfully master the challenges of the future together.

"The ValueParty is a blast. Of course, the content is what counts for us. But the technology simply works here too, respect!"

Understanding what is really important to employees

We call the overview, i.e. the bird’s eye view of a corporate culture from a value perspective, a value profile.
From this, we can see the direction in which the cultural change – i.e. a value-based transformation – should be approached.

The value profile shows seven different value systems (according to Graves, see “Graves Value System”). For each of these seven systems, it is possible to see how important this value system is to employees individually, how strongly they currently see values from this system in the way they work together and how important they believe values from this system are for the successful future of the company.

This can result in the following constellations:

1. Shortage

If many values from a system are individually considered important, are not experienced as very pronounced in everyday life, but are seen as crucial to the success of the company, a lack of values arises in this system. The result: a cultural change is needed towards more lived values from this value system.

2. Pressure

Conversely, if a few values from a system are individually considered important, but are experienced as strongly pronounced in everyday life AND are considered to be less decisive for success, there is pressure on the value system. This means that a cultural shift away from practiced values from this value system is required.

3. Insight

If a few values from a system are individually considered important, but are experienced somewhat more strongly in everyday life and even more of them are understood as crucial to success, we speak of an "insight". This means that everyone involved is already aware that the corporate culture must develop in this direction.

4. Balance

Personal preference, lived reality and future requirements are in resonance. The key question here can be: How can we maintain this balance? You can also ask yourself the following question: Is this balance helpful in fulfilling current and long-term wishes and goals?

The individual, most important values in turn show in detail which dynamics and behaviors will have to change in the future.


Personal development
Personal success


Profit orientation
Entrepreneurial thinking


Entrepreneurial thinking

Celebrating the ValueParty - how the app works

The ValueParty app shows which values are really important to an organization’s employees, which are actually visible in the way we live together and which values are crucial for moving successfully into the future together.

Various profile categories can be created using the app:

Individual profiles represent the value profile of individual persons. You can see your view of yourself in your organization.

Group profiles provide an overview of the value profile of a team or organization.

Multigroup profiles show the value profiles of different teams and enable a comparison of the value structures between teams.

Individual profiles can be easily accessed via our webshop

To create the value profiles, each individual participant in the ValueParty receives individual access (a so-called token) to the app.

Once logged in, 16 values are available for each of Grave’s 7 value systems: Identification, Energy and Power, Order, Success, Community, Synergy and Sustainability.

Across all 7 value systems, the 16 personally most important values may then be selected, the 16 values that are currently most strongly perceived in the organization and the 16 values that are, in the personal opinion, most important for the organization to be successful in the future.

As a participant, you can then decide for yourself after submitting your values selection whether you would like to have your personal values profile issued or whether your selection should be passed on anonymously to the company’s internal organizers.

If a group or multi-group profile is of interest to your organization, please contact the berlin team directly at for a non-binding initial consultation.

"Yes, at the beginning we were overwhelmed by the amount of information. We could see very clearly what was going on in our company. But when we then realized in the team leader group where the differences were in the individual groups, it became clear to us: different teams will need different things in the future. In theory, this was also clear to us beforehand. But now we know exactly where these differences are."

Corporate culture, transformation and corporate values - fields of application of the ValueParty

Whether you are a coach working on values with individual clients, a manager in team development or a management consultant in transformation processes, the ValueParty app makes values measurable.
And only what is measurable can be mastered.

As a coach, the ValueParty individual or team profile helps you to support your clients in being true to themselves, living in harmony with their own ideas about the world and working together harmoniously as a team. Clarity about personal values and possible discrepancies with the environment makes it possible to identify very clear fields of action and initiate solution measures.

As a manager, the ValueParty group profile helps you to identify the cultural “hotspots” in the team and address them in a targeted, data- and fact-based manner. A shared view of the team’s value profile opens up space for dialog and exchange about previously implicit dynamics and disruptive factors. Building on this, the team is empowered to look for solutions together and transform the team’s internal culture.

As a consultant, the group or multi-group profile gives you a clear view of the prevailing value dynamics in your client’s organization. At first glance, it becomes clear which cultural problem areas exist and which obstacles lie in the way of successful cooperation within the company. The value profiles enable a fact-based dialog with managers and stakeholders and lay the foundation for a common understanding of the issues that need to be addressed.

"As a coach, I see it as my job to enable my clients to gain new perspectives through personal expertise and suitable tools. The ValueParty enables precisely these new perspectives. Thank you very much for this wonderful addition to my "toolbox".

"We are a small consulting firm and can't afford a back office. That's why it helps me as a consultant that the administrative and support costs of the ValueParty are minimal. Couldn't you have invented this a few years earlier?"

"As a manager, it is important to me to make decisions based on facts, figures and data. We used to spend 6-figure sums on employee surveys. We finally received the results 8 weeks after our colleagues were surveyed. The results were not very helpful for me and, above all, for the employees. The subsequent workshops and brainstorming sessions no longer reflected the current situation. With the ValueParty, we started implementing measures after two weeks. So not only were we faster, we also reduced costs."

Curious to find out how you too can use the ValueParty to add value to your service? Then contact the berlin team directly at for a non-binding initial consultation.