


With the ValueParty individual profile, you can compare your personal values in your working life with the culture lived in your organization and the values that you consider meaningful for your organization.


In “Corporate culture as a success factor – value-based corporate transformation with the ValueParty”, we show you how you can make your corporate culture understandable, manageable and manageable!


Making culture discussable live in the workshop: We have developed a very special card game so that you can experience the ValueParty not only digitally, but also in analog form.


Making culture discussable live in the workshop: We have developed a very special card game so that you can experience the ValueParty not only digitally, but also in analog form.


You already have our card game, but would like to start the ValueParty with more than 12 people? Then, depending on the size of the group, secure one or more additional sets of cards. This will ensure you have enough value cards for all participants and avoid waiting or queuing.
